Berita Gadget - If talks about gadgets, be likely true there is no ending. Every day always there are emerging new gadgets. So do with this gadget. Mobile devices are becoming more sophisticated & need more power for longer times in order to stay practical to consumers. Horizon is combining its consumer product know-how with innovative fuel cartridge technologies to form a new device named miniPAK able to charge a variety of transportable electronics for longer durations & at a lower cost than existing disposable, rechargeable battery options.
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Gadgets, Pocket Size Fuel Cell Power Plant for Portable Electronics
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Gadgets, Pocket Size Fuel Cell Power Plant for Portable Electronics
Berita Gadget - If talks about gadgets, be likely true there is no ending. Every day always there are emerging new gadgets. So do with this gadget. Mobile devices are becoming more sophisticated & need more power for longer times in order to stay practical to consumers. Horizon is combining its consumer product know-how with innovative fuel cartridge technologies to form a new device named miniPAK able to charge a variety of transportable electronics for longer durations & at a lower cost than existing disposable, rechargeable battery options.
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